The Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) remains the premier forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange experiences and advancements in product line engineering. In 2025, we continue to highlight the crucial role of product line engineering in achieving economies of scale, cost savings, and rapid innovation across diverse product and service portfolios.
Many organizations have successfully used product line practices to achieve high levels of customization and quality while reducing time-to-market and costs. However, implementing product line engineering still presents challenges, especially with rapidly evolving technologies and global uncertainties. The need for adaptability and flexibility, alongside emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, digital twins, and cybersecurity, creates both challenges and opportunities.
This year, we are particularly interested in contributions exploring the application of product line engineering to AI-enabled systems, including Large Language Models (LLMs) and AI Agents. We encourage submissions that move beyond traditional application areas (such as industrial equipment, automotive, and appliances) and discuss the innovative use of product line engineering in these emerging domains. We seek insights into the practical challenges, successes, and evaluations at various technology readiness levels, particularly regarding the integration and implications of AI and LLMs in product line strategies and practices.
We also welcome contributions from industries using modular platform concepts to manage reuse in hardware and mechatronic systems. The incorporation of AI and LLM technologies in these sectors, and their impact on product development and lifecycle management, are of particular interest. These insights will provide valuable perspectives on state-of-the-art practices and future directions in product line engineering.
New this year, we introduce the “Industry Talk” category. The goal of Industry Talks is to share practical experiences related to the industrial applications of software product line engineering and to convey lessons learned from applying various techniques and practices.
This category is exclusively for individuals willing to share insights gained directly from their professional experiences.
- Adopting or Migrating to Product Line Engineering
- Architecture, Design, and Implementation of Product Lines
- Artificial Intelligence in SPLs
- Applications of AI for Product Line Engineering
- Product Line Engineering for AI Applications
- Case studies on successful or failed implementations of SPL platforms
- Continuous Integration and Deployment (evolving product lines)
- Digital twins in product line engineering
- Model-Driven and Model-Based Engineering
- Non-functional property considerations in product line development
- Organizational and Business Aspects (e.g., Business Ecosystems)
- Process Aspects (e.g., DevOps and Agile Processes)
- Product Line Testing, Verification, and Validation
- Quantum computing applications in product lines
- Scoping of Product/Solution Portfolios and Assets
- Variability Management Across All Lifecycle Stages
Submission Categories
The industry track welcomes submissions in three categories:
1. Full Papers: Presenting experiences from product line applications, ideally from an industry context. These papers should provide sufficient context for the problem, describe clear requirements and/or experiences in addressing it, assess benefits and drawbacks or other lessons learned, and explain the innovation or value of the contribution.
2. Short Papers: Describing early results from new product line and software ecosystem applications or other topics of interest.
3. Industry Talks: Sharing practical experiences and lessons learned related to industrial applications of software product line engineering. This category is for individuals sharing insights from their professional experience.
Submission Guidelines
- Full Papers: Maximum 10 pages of content (+ 2 pages for references).
- Short Papers: Maximum 5 pages of content (+ 2 pages for references).
- Industry Talks: A 2-page extended abstract outlining the talks’s content, key points, and relevance to the software engineering community. The abstract will be included in the SPLC 2025 proceedings.
Each submission will be carefully reviewed by at least three members of the industry track program committee.
Paper Formatting Instructions
The SPLC proceedings will be published in the ACM Digital Library.
Submissions must adhere to the latest ACM Master Article Template:
[Link TBD]
LaTeX users should use the “sigconf” option, using the template found in “sample-sigconf.tex”. The following LaTeX code will create a double-column layout:
\documentclass[sigconf,review]{acmart} \acmConference[SPLC'25]{29th International Systems and Software Product Line Conference}{September 01--September 05, 2025}{A Coruña, Spain}
Submission Policies
Papers submitted to SPLC must not have been previously published or be under review elsewhere. Authors must adhere to the ACM Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism and the ACM Policy on Prior Publication and Simultaneous Submissions.
By submitting to an ACM Publication, authors acknowledge that they and their co-authors are subject to all ACM Publications Policies, including the ACM’s Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects. Violations may result in a full retraction of the paper and other penalties.
Please ensure that you and your co-authors obtain an ORCID ID to complete the publishing process. ACM is committed to improving author discoverability and ensuring proper attribution.
Attendance and Presentation Requirement
At least one author of each accepted submission is expected to attend the conference in person and present their work. This requirement is crucial for fostering in-depth discussions and networking opportunities among participants. Failure to present the paper at the conference may result in the removal of the paper from the proceedings.
Excellent papers will be considered for the Distinguished Paper Award of the Industry Track.
Important Dates (AoE time)
- Abstract submission: April 3, 2025
- Paper submission: April 10, 2025
- Notification: May 29, 2025
- Camera-ready paper: July 10, 2025
- Conference: September 1 to 5, 2025
Submission Link
Submissions should be sent via EasyChair: [Link TBD] (Industry Track)
Program Committee